The hardest part is coming home from work, tired, and then getting the energy up to paint. I know that I will get back into the swing of things, and this is exactly why I signed up for the class. This summer, I slowed down to a pace slower than cold molasses. Without structure and something to spur me on, I'm not doing the things that I want to do.

So, an interesting note: sitting all day at a computer is exhausting. I am not "in shape" for it. My wonderful house is a place that I have constant exercise, just walking from one end to the other, and out to the garden. My chiropractor told me that I need to force myself to get up and walk around every hour, or the compression of my spine is going to return. He's seeing the signs already. That is enough to scare me into wiggling on a regular basis, no matter how silly it looks to people who are passing by my cube. I try to remember some of the t'ai chi and chi-gong movements. Anything helps.
So, I'll post stuff here as they are worked, to give me a record of my progress in class.