Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Sometimes Fireflies Add Light to the Night

Life seems to hand us little sparkles even when things seem dark. I received notice that one of my ceramic bowls is accepted in a show at the Blueline Gallery in Roseville. 

This is for the Breast Cancer Awareness show, called Art Bra 5.  The title of this bowl is "Ahhhhhh".
I also have four paintings at the Frank Bette Center Gallery. Art goes on, even when life is rocky. The paintings were done in Alameda, CA, during their Plein Air Paint Out event. My good friends put up with me for those days, and I had the joy of painting in Alameda, where the weather was in the 70's instead of the 100's as Sacramento was. Another friend stayed with Jim, and they had several days of much needed "guy stuff" to do.  I declared this a win all around.   The Frank Bette show continues through the 27th of September if you happen to be in Alameda.  

Jim and I are taking things one day at a time, and are doing things that make us happy.  We've gone to movies, eaten the foods we really like (yeah, ice cream!) We seem to be even closer than we were before the diagnosis, if that is possible. What can I say? I believe in miracles, but I also believe in packing an umbrella...