I confess to that very popular affliction that seems to touch many creative people, although I am not sure if I am ADD or ADHD or dyslexic or whatever. (At this stage of my life, it really doesn't matter, does it?)
Distracted by things that sparkle or are shiny or move, I can lose thoughts faster than the blink of an eye. With that said, I also claim that this "affliction" helped drive the creative force within me, so that I found alternate methods to achieve what I wanted to create. Seeing things slightly out of the usual, grasping for the chaotic, I find pleasure in the edges of beauty. Perhaps I will always be "three degrees off plumb", but it works for me.

My earlier artwork has incorporated bits and pieces of shiny metals, sparkly papers and found objects. I now believe that I've stumbled upon something that can take what I've learned before and translate it into more "pretty, shiny, sparkly" things.

Recently, I have become involved in a class that explores glass and metal design. I'm having a ball. Glass fusing, metal shaping, and soon, enameling are all part of it, and I look forward to each class with anticipation. I've made new friends, and look forward to the time when we continue the teaching of the class on our own time, perhaps collaborating with each other to create new things. I've already learned from them, and hope that I've given back some too.