Our campsite overlooked Trumbull Lake, elevation 9,600'. It's nestled along the escarpment on the east side of the Sierras. The rocks rise almost vertically, with little lakes dotted along their base.
The fishing is easy, and even I caught trout!
This photo is one of our group with his catch. I didn't really think I would be fishing, since I intended to do some painting, but heck, it was fun. Did a little painting too, but there was so much to do: walks to take, things to look at, sitting and just gazing out over the lake, talking with friends. I took some photos to work from, so we will see.
It's funny, before I became unemployed, I'd never thought much about fishing, it was for other people. This last year, I've gone twice. It still seems a bit odd, when I try to imagine myself going fishing, but both times it was fun, and catching fish is exciting, no matter what anyone says. I guess the same thing holds for golfing. You just never know what life will hand you when you have a little time to play. I wonder what other things are in store.
I am tired, happy to be home, and filled with images and thoughts that happen when one is removed from the regular environment. There is a peacefulness that happens, and I cherish that.
Oh, and I DID work on a basket...
ah, what an amazing place! Glad you had such a wonderful time!