Friday, November 12, 2010


Four weeks into the painting class and it's a stretch, which, in the big scheme, is a good thing. Here are a few of the working paintings. Not finished, not anything more than exercises, but interesting anyways. The colors are a bit duller than real life, but it's my camera... I dropped it in class the first night. :^( Going to have to gather up the nickles to buy another one. It's taking pictures all cock-eyed, and the focus is off.

The number of colors on the pallett is smaller than I am used to using. The three trees are a composition that I put together to work on in class, and
the road scene is a repeat of a composition I've done before. I thought I'd try it again, with the new working style that I'm learning.
At least I am motivated to go into the studio and mush around with paint again.
As I think more about these, I'll add more comments, but it's late and my brain is fuzzy.

At least I am motivated to go into the studio and mush around with paint again.
As I think more about these, I'll add more comments, but it's late and my brain is fuzzy.

1 comment:

  1. My smudges look like, well, smudges. Yours are amazing!! I particularly like the last one w/ the trees & stream. I can imagine it being the view out my cabin window.
