Renewal of spirit: quiet time in the garden, contemplating life and things growing, thinking about the meaning of this and that.. with muddy gloves and the sounds of birds, the sun on my back.
Planted all the things I brought home from the nursery last week, started the drip system, pulled weeds. Pulled more weeds. Oh, and pulled some weeds. Sitting down for a break, looking at what we managed to accomplish in the space of two weeks: it looks like someone cares about our yard. That someone is a bit haphazard, but still cares. That someone has to pull some more weeds. (WHO watered all those weeds this winter??? I wanna know... Did they have to fertilize them?)
Jim took the rototiller to a patch where I planted two zucchinis, and will add corn next weekend. Squash and corn. I read somewhere that they do well together. We will see.
In the middle of today, I took Marlee (silver tabby) to the vet. She had started favoring her left hind foot last night, and it seemed worse today. The vet says that she has a something something kneecap/patella. Said it shows up before the end of the first year in small dogs like Pomeranians. I had to break it to Marlee that she might be a Pom... The kneecap slides out of it's groove, and the leg goes wobbly, and probably hurts like hell. There is an operation for that. Not too horrible as far as operations go (according to the vet), and ONLY about $1,500. It will come and go for the rest of Marlee's life, and cause nasty arthritis. Glucosamine supplements. Ironic, not funny, that a woman with two bad knees facing knee surgery adopts a cat who needs knee surgery.. and supplements.
After I brought her back home - without surgery or anything else but the exam and the diagnosis, (at least no worse for the wear), and she headed for the nearest hidey-hole, I headed back to the garden. When there is nothing that I can do, when I feel at a loss, digging in the garden helps. It soothes, and somehow takes some of the sting out of feeling helpless.
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