Yesterday afternoon, to banish the dust of computer work from my mind, I threw myself into the studio, and plunged into a piece that had been hovering in my imagination for a while. (Really, a long while: I took the photograph of Durango Thanksgiving weekend last year.)
Since I have been taking a painting class from a private school/instructor, to refresh and exercise my creative muscles, this was the first home-work with the new parameters.
I'm pleased with the first run-through, and although I will go back into it this afternoon, the amount of actual changes will probably be small, in the overall scheme. I'll post the finished one later, when it has settled for a while.
In the meanwhile, there are chocolate chip cookies (gluten free) chilling in the fridge, and a beautiful sunny day that calls, so I imagine that I will spend a little time in the garden today as well. Jim has his classes on Monday and Wednesday afternoons, so I have uninterrupted alone time today. Life is good.
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