Todays menu: meatloaf and fresh baked bread. I'd worry about balancing the meal, but I know that the meatloaf has onions, sweet potatoes (leftover), shredded zucchini, and freshly picked flat Italian parsley, so we will be eating our vegetables. The garden is yet to provide much for the table, but I know that, barring any disaster, it will yield up tomatoes, potatoes, chard, beans, onions and other wonderful things within a couple of months. There is no recipe for meatloaf. You just dump in ingredients until it feels right. There are general guidelines, but it's different every time; always a surprise.
Meatloaf might be a metaphor for my life. No recipe, just add ingredients you like and mix until it feels right. Pop it into the oven and ignore it for about an hour. Yum.
The ingredients are: time in the garden, time in the kitchen, time in the studio (not enough, but it's an off day), and time at the computer. Oh, and shall I mention some time for reading and eating chocolate? In spite of the windy, rainy, dreary weather, the day has been pleasant, and there is something that feels good about how it's passed.
If you know me, you know that there are several activities that dominate my life: art (oh, should it be capitalized as "ART"? Today, I think not...), cooking, and the garden. Then add reading, spending time on my husbands projects, meditating of sorts, and any other numerous distractions, and you will watch my days speed by. I even have time to daydream. That by itself is a wonderful luxury, one that I appreciate more and more as time passes.
So, I lied (just a tiny little bit). There is no real beginning to this blog, just jumped into the pool and splashed everything. Don't know where it's going, or how it's going to evolve, but it's started, and that's the most important thing for now.
Soon, it will be time to shut down the house for the night, and dive into bed. Tomorrow may be time to write more about the things that interest me, so I will do whatever it takes to say g'nite.
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