Jim and I had to move a small (6 ') Japanese Maple in the front yard, and had to dig a 4x4 hole, then dig up the tree, and move it to it's new home. Took two days, and I still have a mess to clean up, but I'm too danged tired. My bones are grumpy and I am walking like an old old lady.
Of course, it's on top of my walking for a half-hour each day (except yesterday) and some weight training. I'm skipping the weight training on days when I am using a shovel and the rototiller. I don't think I could hold the weights right now. Moan, whimper, grumble. Getting in shape hurts. I am such a weenie. 
Meanwhile, I did spend some time painting yesterday, and after mushing around, changing the composition, decided that this painting was finished. I'm not delighted with it, but I know that I learned a few things, and am ready to tackle the next one. So many things to paint, so little time.... (and went back and did some more work on it, so will post an updated photo one of these days.)
ooooh, poor grumpy bones! The painting is beautiful & the maple looks happy in it's new home. Hugs!!