Can I admit that I loved it? I had the time of my life. The days whizzed by, and I know I'll be doing more. My easel has smears of paint on it, I've refined my "kit" and I'm pondering how to improve my setup for the next time.
Found out there is a Facebook page for Susan Sarback's students, so I posted there. Might be able to find painting "buddys" so I can go out with someone to the parks and rural areas around Sacramento. I am so unaware of the world around me when I am painting, that it's probably safer to paint with a friend.
One thing that came out of this session: I am so out of shape, and out of breath when I haul stuff (thus the panting), that I must make an effort to clean up my act soon if I am going to enjoy my passion. So, have started a two week "turnaround". Prevention published a book.. (they have books for every diet under the sun, or so it seems.) I'm walking in the mornings, and two out of three days, I've worked with weights at home, used the inversion table and strretched on the large ball... (that feels soooo good.).
I also ordered a small vibration therapy unit after trying them a couple of times at festivals. It's a bit out there, and I bought the least expensive one I could find.
I've been looking at them for years: chiropractors have had "chi machines", and the really pricey ones at fairs have intrigued me, plus, every time I stepped on one and tried it, my joints and legs especially have felt wonderful for quite a while afterwards. Then, while watching a qigong program, the instructor taught a "shivering" or shaking technique that reminded me of the machines. Thus, a present to myself for my 60th birthday. The delivery email says it might come today. Whooo hooo. If this one is good, I might invest in a higher-end unit in the future. Also ordered some sports bras and a pair of walking shoes. Essentials, dontcha know?
I'm also thinking of some massage therapy. Something to balance the torture with a hedonistic treat that isn't chocolate or high fat... We will see.
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